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How Much Does an Abortion Cost?

Aug 20, 2014 by     1 Comment    Posted under: Health & Beauty

Abortion Cost Summary

The cost for an abortion depends primarily on the how advanced the pregnancy is, with prices rising steeply during the second trimester. Location of the procedure, both in terms of region and the setting for the procedure, also is a factor.

Retail Costs Without Any Discounts:
A. Price Range = $295-$3,000
B. Average Cost = $350-$523
C. Cheapest Price = $295

Types of Abortion

Medical Abortion

A medical abortion is an option only through the ninth week of pregnancy. Two options are available, both requiring at least two appointments. One option is a combination of methotrexate and misoprostol (MTX), which is used up to the first seven weeks of pregnancy. The other, more common option for a medical abortion uses the medicine combination of mifepristone and misoprostol up to the first nine weeks of pregnancy. This is also referred to as RU-486, the abortion pill and Mifeprex. Mifepristone is taken orally at the first appointment. This medication blocks the hormone necessary to sustain pregnancy. As a result, the uterine lining thins and the pregnancy detaches. The second medication, misoprostol induces contractions. The abortion occurs at home over the course of a few days.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion in the first trimester is done by aspiration. In this procedure, a tube is inserted into the uterus through the cervix and the contents of the uterus are suctioned out. This procedure is used to terminate pregnancy up to 16 weeks. Other names for the procedure include vacuum aspiration, suction curettage and dilation and curettage (D & C). The procedure takes between five and 15 minutes.

After 16 weeks, the surgical abortion procedure used is called dilation and evacuation (D & E). The cervix is dilated beginning 24 hours prior to the procedure, the uterine contents are suctioned out, forceps are used to remove larger tissue and the uterine lining is gently scraped. The procedure takes up to 30 minutes to complete.

Cost of Abortion During the First and Second Trimesters

Pregnancy is divided into three stages called trimesters. Each trimester lasts approximately 12 to 14 weeks. More than 90 percent of abortions are performed during the first trimester.

The cost of abortion increases as the pregnancy progresses. The increases in the price are especially steep in the second trimester, with the cost increasing by more than $100 with each week past the 12th week. Abortion in the first trimester generally ranges from about $300-$500, while abortion in the second trimester range from about $450-$3,000.

What’s the Cost of Abortion at 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12 Weeks?

Abortion performed early in a pregnancy costs the least and allows for the option of a medical abortion. When surgical abortions are performed as the pregnancy advances, not only is the procedure itself more costly but fees may be incurred for additional anesthesia, lab work or medication.

The same fee is charged for an abortion performed at four weeks as at 11 weeks. Some clinics charge the same price through the 12th week, but most fees increase after 11 weeks gestation. At most abortion providers, the price increases by at least $100 in the 12th week.

What’s the Cost of Abortion for Twins?

The majority of abortion providers do not charge additional fees for twin pregnancies, since all contents of the uterus are emptied regardless of single or multiple gestation. Some clinics do charge a small additional fee in the case of twins.

What’s the Cost of Abortion at Planned Parenthood?

Many Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the United States provide abortion services. Most offer sliding scale discounts for services to low-income women when possible. Surgical abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic costs about $300-$950 in the first trimester. For a medical abortion, the cost ranges from $300-$800, depending on whatever additional tests, visits, or exams are needed.

Government Cost of Abortion

Since 1977, legislation known as the Hyde Amendment has restricted the use of federal funds for abortion procedures except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or in a case in which the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. This ban on the use of federal funds extends to military health insurance under 10 U.S.C. 1093.

This prohibition also extends to Medicaid, the largest health insurance coverage provider in the United States and the primary source of health coverage for low-income women. States have the option to provide abortion services beyond the scope of the Hyde Amendment as long as only state funds are used. Seventeen states plus the District of Columbia cover elective abortion.

In California, Medi-Cal, the state’s version of Medicaid, pays providers between $145.94 and $825.02, depending on the procedure being billed.

Examples of Abortion Prices for 3 States

Cost of Abortion in California

In California, the typical cost for a first trimester surgical abortion (through the 11th week) ranges between $425 and $525, depending on the type of sedation desired. The local anesthesia option costs the least, followed by conscious sedation and then general anesthesia, if offered. Medical abortion typically costs $500. Second trimester abortion costs are as follows:

  • 12-14 weeks: $400-$650
  • 15-16 weeks: $800-$1,000
  • 17-18 weeks: $950-$1,150
  • 19 weeks: $1,250-$1,800
  • 20-21 weeks: $2,000
  • 22 weeks: $2,200

Cost of Abortion in Texas

In Texas, the typical cost for a first trimester surgical abortion (through the 11th week) ranges between $295 and $450, with additional fees up to $250 for general anesthesia. Medical abortion typically costs $450. Additionally, since Texas legislature mandates women receive an ultrasound and consultation visit at least 24 hours prior to obtaining an abortion, the cost to obtain an abortion is increased by at least $100 in most cases. Second trimester abortion costs are as follows:

  • 12-14 weeks: $375-$500
  • 15-16 weeks: $625-$750
  • 17-18 weeks: $875-$1,100
  • 19 weeks: $1,300
  • 20-21 weeks: $1,500

Cost of Abortion in New York

In New York, the typical cost for a first trimester surgical abortion (through the 11th week) ranges between $325 and $950, with most in the $350-$400 range. Medical abortion typically costs $400, ranging from $350 to $535. Second trimester abortion costs are as follows:

  • 12-14 weeks: $450-$500
  • 15-16 weeks: $600-$650
  • 17-18 weeks: $750-$850
  • 19 weeks: $950
  • 20-21 weeks: $1,100-$1,200
  • 22-24 weeks: $1,325-$2,700

Additional Costs to Consider

Some providers include all associated costs in their fee schedule. However, many providers charge additional fees, such as:

  • General anesthesia: up to $250
  • Rhogam injections if the woman has the Rh factor: $25-$150
  • Sonogram: $125
  • Lab fees: $15-$50
  • Laminaria insertion/removal: $150
  • Second trimester abortions for women with prior Cesarean section: $1,000

For many women, abortion costs more than what is paid to the provider. Many women must travel more than 30 miles to the nearest abortion provider, which incurs transportation expenses. Lost wages is an additional cost for many as well.

Cost of Abortion at a Hospital

Abortion in a clinic setting is the cheapest option, starting around $300. The cost at a physician’s office is slightly more, averaging about $450-$500. A hospital abortion is the most expensive and is usually at least 30 percent higher than a clinic procedure.

Cost of Abortion With and Without Insurance

Even if a woman has health insurance the cost of an abortion might not be covered. Eight states prohibit private insurance plans from including abortion as a standard benefit. Twenty-three states restrict abortion coverage offered in insurance plans participating in the Affordable Care Act health insurance exchanges. Nearly two out of three women who obtain an abortion pay out-of-pocket for the procedure. If the procedure is covered under insurance, then typical copays for outpatient surgery apply, ranging from $15-$150 depending on the plan.

Financial Assistance for Abortion

Abortion is prohibitively expensive for many, especially those living in states where Medicaid does not cover the procedure. In response, local and national organizations have developed funds to provide financial assistance. In New York, the New York Abortion Access Fund assists those living in or traveling to New York who is unable to pay fully for an abortion. In Texas, the Texas Equal Access Fund (North Texas) and the Lilith Fund (South Texas) assist those with demonstrated economic hardship. Nationally, the National Abortion Federation and the National Network of Abortion Funds provide financial assistance to some of the more than 200,000 women requiring financial assistance to pay for abortion each year. Funds are limited and insufficient to meet all need.


Abortions in BK: where and how much


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